Text Reads: "Happy Baby, Happy You. Best ways to use a baby carrier without pain". Image of Dr. Kelly with her adorable 8-month old baby, snug in a front baby carrier. The baby is chubby and adorable with a bright red "Todos Santos" bandana on, and mom and baby have HUGE smiles.

Best Ways to Use a Baby Carrier

Nov 15, 2023

Hey there! It's Dr. Kelly, and I'm here to chat with you about a super interesting study on how different ways of carrying your baby can affect your comfort.

Here’s the Scoop: Correct Baby Carrier Position = Less Pain!

So, if you want to carry your baby without any aches and pains, check out these two things:


1. When Carrying Baby, Move Around More For Less Pain!

  • People who usually feel pain when carrying babies tend to stand still too much. So, if you're shifting your weight and moving around more, you’re on the right track!

How did they figure this out?

  • Researchers looked at folks who had a history of pain and those who didn’t. Those who felt pain weren’t moving as much, both when standing still and carrying a baby.


2. Go for a Front Carrier, Not a Side Carry!

  • If you carry your baby in front, those with pain changed how they moved, and it made a big difference! They started moving as much as those without pain and even reported less pain, going from a 5/10 to a 3/10. That’s a win!


Let’s Check Out Three Different Baby-Carrying Positions With a Double-Board Certified Pelvic Physio!


1. Awkward Side Shift with Front Carry

Not the best hold! It might look a bit off, and doing this over time could lead to pain. But hey, that beach is stunning! Oh, and look at that adorable chubby baby!


2. Perfect Front Carrier Position

Now, this is how you do it! Great baby carrier position, and seriously, could that baby be any cuter?


3. Frontish Carry with No Carrier, But Aligned Mom

No carrier, but Dr. Kelly knows how to keep her shoulders over her hips. Smart move!


Dr. Kelly’s Baby Carrier Recommendations:

Using the right baby carrier and strategies makes everyone happy – parents, caregivers, and kids!  See? Just look at that chubby GORGEOUS baby, and try not to smile :)

Personally, I’ve used both Baby Bjorn and Boba Baby Wraps, and they're awesome for front carrying with frequent weight shifts. 


Wrapping It Up (Pun Intended!)

Thanks for reading! If you want to dive deeper into all things pelvis-related, keep on exploring the blog!

If you're wanting even more info about your amazing core and pelvic floor, consider my online courses, streamable from your computer, phone or tablet, via the Kajabi app!

Vag Lab is a 2-hour MasterClass in lifelong care for your Down There, including how to assess your own pelvic muscles and training in my famous "Big 3" Pelvic Floor Connectors! 

Mind the Gap is an 8 week exercise progression, initially designed for folks worried about diastasis recti, but honestly for ANYONE who wants a better connection to their deep core, and doesn't know where to start.

My Pregnancy & Delivery Bundle includes 3 courses, Bump Lab, Pregolicious, Weight Lifting in Pregnancy AND Push Prep, for EVERYTHING you need for a supported, empowered pregnancy and delivery.

And, after MANY requests, yes, a postpartum specific course is in the works!  Join my mailing list via the link below, for more fantastic tips and exclusive discounts. You don’t want to miss out!

Phew! I think that's all for now!    PLEASE don’t forget to check me out on Instagram, AND SHARE MY ACCOUNT WITH YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY!!  Thanks for being here!!

xoxo, Dr. Kelly


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