Text Reads: "Cooch Ball. What it is and why you need one." Dr. Kelly is next to the text in a teal shirt, holding a sample of the Cooch Ball, as well as a pelvic wand, two of her favorite pelvic floor tools. Read on to see how 3 minutes a day of Cooch Ball use could improve your pelvic floor function tremendously.

Cooch Ball

Nov 22, 2023

Cooch Ball.

What, in the heck, is a Cooch Ball?

What a Cooch Ball is & Why You Need One!

A Cooch Ball is an amazing addition to the pelvic health world. It improves circulation to pelvic muscles in 2-3 minutes a day and might just change your life.

Let’s back up to the first time I, Dr. Kelly, heard about Cooch Balls…

It was just a typical Tuesday...a client is doing AWESOME on her pelvic floor work, and asks me, nonchalantly, "Have you heard of Cooch Balls?"

Me: "What?!?"  “Did you say Cooch??”

Client: "Yeah! Cooch Balls. One of my friends has started using one and LOVES it."

Me: "Well, sounds like I need to learn more about this."

2 weeks later, I'm meeting with Jana Danielson, creator of Cooch Balls

And we’ve been friends, and professional colleagues since.  I have a fun video of that first meeting. If you have 12 minutes, you can watch Jana and I’s first meeting here.  If you don’t have 12 minutes, you can speed up the movie in the settings…or if you’d prefer to read, the rest will take you about 6 minutes.

Why Would Someone Use a Cooch Ball?

Pelvic PTs, Pelvic Physios and Dr. Kelly's Online Pelvic Wellness Courses all teach you about self-pelvic floor muscle assessments. But if you don't have time or privacy to do that, sitting on a Cooch or Gooch Ball for 2-3 minutes a day can be a FABULOUS way to improve your brain’s connection to the pelvic floor muscles and improve your pelvic muscle health.

Wait...Cooch AND Gooch Balls??

Yep! Cooch balls for the ladies. Gooch balls for the guys. Co-branded, so each ball has both names on it. Super cool.

What are the Cooch and Gooch Balls, specifically?

Cooch & Gooch Balls are a patented rubber ball, designed with just the right shape and resistance, to fit in your bike seat spaces, and reach your pelvic floor muscles.

When inflated to the correct pressure, Cooch & Gooch Balls apply moderate, specific, pressure, to your pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to improved awareness and circulation in the pelvic muscles. That, in turn, leads to reduced pain and improved function.

Do I insert Cooch and Gooch balls inside my vagina-rectum?

What?!? NO!! Have you seen the size of them? They are EXTERNAL tools.

You inflate them partially (guide comes with them), then sit on them, so the pressure gently pushes up on your perineal space (place between vagina and rectum, or scrotum and rectum), which gives you feedback on where your muscles are in space.

This pressure also cues the brain to send more oxygen-rich blood to the region, thereby increasing tissue health.

So How do I use a Cooch Ball?

Inflate it, a bit…not all the way.

Sit on it for 2-3 minutes.

You could breathe and-or do some basic pelvic exercises during those 2-3 minutes...but the cool thing is that you don't 'have' to. Even just sitting on the ball helps to improve your position sense and tissue health.

Well, that's cool.

I could do 2-3 minutes a day, while I'm drinking my coffee in the morning.

That's the spirit! Yes, you can! You could also use a rolled towel, but as I mentioned, the Cooch and Gooch Balls were designed with this specific use in mind, so their resistance is tailored to that which the pelvic floor muscles need.

Use this link to buy your Cooch or Gooch Ball today!


Want Professional Guidance?

I'm here for YOU, my darling!  My amazing course, Vag Lab, teaches you, in detail, my favorite 3 core connectors AND gives you access to me coaching you in them, so you can pull me up on any device (computer, phone, tablet), from anywhere, and have me coach YOU in how to use the Cooch Ball, and other AMAZING pelvic health tricks that can control your pee urges and leaks in weeks, not years, and without surgery!!  Buy Vag Lab today, you won't regret it!

Thanks for Reading!

I hope this information was useful to you, and that you try out a Cooch Ball, or a rolled towel, to see how that feedback might change your relationship with your pelvic floor!

If you need more, though, check out Pelvic Floored’s Catalogue  of Online Pelvic Wellness Courses.  We have world-class, streamable courses for all pelvises, streamable from any device through the incredible Kajabi App (It's a blue K, download it wherever you get you your apps from). 

From the Signature Series, a 12-week program curated by Dr. Kelly to guide you from leaks, pains and weakness and prolapse pressure to FABULOUSNESS, to Push Prep, Weight Lifting in Pregnancy and MORE, Pelvic Floored has streamable online courses for all pelvises!!

And if you need MORE motivation, did I mention that for every 4 courses I sell, I donate one to a person in need?  My People Before Profits Program has donated over $50,000 in charity pelvic health serves and products since 2022...and that number continues to grow.  By buying an online pelvic health program from Pelvic Floored, you are not only helping yourself (or your loved one), but also someone in need.

If buying a program isn't in the cards right now, no worries! Please follow me on Instagram, or join my mailing list via the form below, to be kept up to date on other free tips for your best pelvic health! VIP (Very Important Pelvis) e-Newsletter subscribers also get FIRST NOTICE and exclusive discounts to Pelvic Floored products!!  Don’t miss out!    

Thanks for reading!

xoxo, Dr. Kelly



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