Dr. Jen’s Origin Story
Jan 29, 2025Hi Everyone, I’m Dr. Jen!
I am new around here, but have been in the physical therapy field for 6 years and have dabbled in pelvic health for 4 years. Prior to returning to school as an adult learner for my Physical Therapy education, I was a Chemical Engineer (science and math geek over here.) This was really only a temporary plan, as I always envisioned myself in the healthcare field. Fast forward a few years - while finishing my physical therapy education, we learned we were pregnant with our first child (adult learner + biological clock). This began my journey into the pelvic health world as I started taking courses to better understand what was happening to my body and how to return to the fitness and recreational activities that I loved.
I kept procrastinating on the birth prep while I finished my clinicals for PT school. My Type A personality figured I had 5-6 weeks to figure it out after my rotation ended. Well, this was not the case as she came early and fast. During my return to fitness ( I had a race in ~ 5 months), I experienced hip pain which I’d never before had. This landed me on the receiving end of physical therapy, where we determined my pelvic floor and global movement changes were likely contributing. Gradually my PT helped me reconnect with my body and the pain eventually went away. The best part was, she acted as my guide and did not take running/training away, but helped modify it in a sustainable way at the time.
Since then, we welcomed a second child to the family, and I continued to pursue lumbopelvic and running specific education. I have even pursued an Ultrarunning Certification through UESCA, in part, to help runners navigate injury and training modifications while still accomplishing their training goals.
Education truly is where we make the most difference! It brings me joy to educate others’ on their anatomy and physiology, what is normal, and that interventions exist. This is so powerful!
Outside of the clinic, I can be found exploring the outdoors with my family or training for mountain running races. I love having a race on the calendar to keep me focused on pursuing an athletic goal. It also makes it much easier to jump off the couch for an adventure at a moment's notice. Lastly, I find fulfillment in meal planning and cooking.
I am thrilled to be here and on your team!
To learn more,
Read this blog about finding a Pelvic PT near you
Take an online course
Follow me on Instagram!
Schedule an in-person or telehealth visit HERE!
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